
  • Winner Dominic Chawinga Mzuzu University, Malawi
  • Sandy Zinn University of Western Cape




Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour, Faculty of Information Science and Communications, Higher Education, Lecturers, Malawi, Mzuzu University, Students, Teaching, Web 2.0.


The study reported on in this article investigated the use of Web 2.0 technologies by lecturers in the Faculty of Information Science and Communications at Mzuzu University (MZUNI), Mzuzu, Malawi. By distributing a questionnaire to 19 lecturers, conducting follow-up interviews with seven lecturers and analysing the curricula, the study showed that between 10 (58.8%) and 13 (76.5%) lecturers use Wikipedia, YouTube, blogs, Google Apps and Twitter to accomplish various academic activities, such as handing out assignments to students; receiving feedback from students; uploading lecture notes; searching for content; storing lecture notes; and carrying out collaborative educational activities. The study adopted the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour (Taylor and Todd 1995) and the theory’s elements that strongly affected lecturers’ use of the technologies according to the results included attitude and perceived behaviour control. The study also found that poor Internet access remains the key stumbling block towards a successful adoption of Web 2.0 technologies by lecturers at MZUNI. To this end, the study recommends that the newly established Department of ICT Directorate with support from MZUNI management should install campuswide Wi-Fi and improve Internet bandwidth so that lecturers’ access to the Internet is not limited to their offices but rather is available in the teaching rooms across the campus.


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How to Cite

Chawinga, Winner Dominic, and Sandy Zinn. 2015. “LECTURERS’ USE OF WEB 2.0 IN THE FACULTY OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS AT MZUZU UNIVERSITY, MALAWI”. Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies 33 (4):62-85. https://doi.org/10.25159/0027-2639/699.



Received 2015-12-03
Accepted 2015-12-04
Published 2016-03-10