The Dutch Reformed Church (1974–2024): From Dancing with the Devil to Waltzing to Heavenly Music




apartheid, reconciliation, Dutch Reformed Church, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, heresy, confession, human relations, church, society


The jubilee celebration of Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae (SHE) reminds church historians of important events that have taken place during the past 50 years. This article gives an overview of important events that took place in the history of the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC). Being the largest white Afrikaans-speaking church and the church which biblically supported the political policy of apartheid, the history of Christianity in South Africa cannot be understood without taking note of the DRC’s journey. For the DRC, 1974 was an important turning point in its history as the policy document Ras, Volk en Nasie en Volkereverhoudinge in die Lig van die Skrif (hereinafter Ras, Volk en Nasie) was approved by the General Synod of the DRC. This document explained how the church motivated apartheid from a biblical point of view. It was – metaphorically speaking – the official start of the DRC’s dance with the devil. During the past 50 years, the DRC has taken important decisions that ended its dance with the devil and started a new dance, waltzing to heavenly music. This happened when the church decided to take a new road to reconciliation which was the primary goal. The article revisits Ras, Volk en Nasie, but also some of the important milestones along the road to reconciliation. It concludes with an example of how a congregation of the former apartheid church succeeded in making a difference in the local community. This confirms the fact that the dance with the devil has indeed ended and that many congregations of the church are now waltzing to heavenly music.


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How to Cite

Van der Merwe, Johan. “The Dutch Reformed Church (1974–2024): From Dancing With the Devil to Waltzing to Heavenly Music”. Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, 14 pages.



Received 2024-05-14
Accepted 2024-06-01
Published 2024-09-09