About the Journal

Focus, Scope and Ethics

The purpose of the journal is to promote and stimulate research and innovation that empowers individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities to advocate for and advance sustainable development and human well-being. The journal is committed to publishing research that contributes to the creation of socially just, rights-based and humane living contexts, both locally and internationally, with a particular focus on the Southern Africa region.

Authors of SAJSWSD adhere to the highest standards of research ethics, avoiding research or writing that marginalises, stigmatises or harms groups of people. SAJSWSD research incorporates an ethics of care (click here for an introduction), in which the rights, dignity and well-being of participants are protected and advanced in both the conducting and the writing up of the research. All empirical research published by SAJSWSD has gone through a process of ethical review by an independent review body, in accordance with the requirements of the country in which the researcher and/or study are located. (Click here for the Global Social Work Statement of Ethical Principles.)

Manuscripts that may be appropriate for publication in SAJSWSD are:

  1. non-discriminatory, free of biased, offensive or derogatory language (click here for detailed guidelines), and grounded in social inclusion, social justice and ethics,
  2. manuscripts that report empirical work (including qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research, with smaller or larger samples),
  3. systematic or scoping reviews that provide new insights or new research questions (literature reviews are not considered for publication),
  4. conceptual analyses and theoretical presentations.

Topics that will be considered by SAJSWSD are diverse and may include the following: lifespan, populations at risk, poverty, livelihoods, anti-discriminatory practice, welfare systems, development management, social security, social policy, human rights, community-based development, social development, comparative health, mental health, education, urban and rural development, volunteerism, civic service, civil society, social movements, social change, decoloniality, indigenous knowledges, climate justice, disaster management, and sustainable development.

The readers of SAJSWSD are primarily social work practitioners and educators, but also include community development practitioners, development workers, child and youth care workers, and social policy makers. It is thus the intention of this journal to maintain a balance between theory and practice. Contributors are therefore encouraged to specify the practical implications of their work for those involved in social work and social development practice and education in the African context.

The University of Johannesburg charges page fees to cover the university-related administrative costs of hosting the journal. A fee of R175.44 per page, excluding VAT, is charged for articles published in 2020 and 2021. Authors will invoiced once the article is published, based on the number of pages in the article. Articles are, on average, 18 pages (with a range of 14-21 pages). Motivations for fee waivers should be directed in a formal letter request to the Editor.

Please note that due to the large number of potential authors for this journal and the limited number of papers published per annum (24), we cannot consider more than one paper from an author at any given time.

Ethics Statement (Unisa Press Journals)

As part of fulfilling the University of South Africa's vision of being "the African university shaping futures in the service of humanity" the vision of Unisa Press Journals is to "publish with integrity" and, as such, Unisa Press Journals would like all parties involved in the publication process to adhere to the expected ethical behaviour set out in this ethics statement.

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3.    International Advisory Boards

The international advisory board, advises the editorial board and the editor on the academic standard of the journal. This is a critical part of our editorial component as it helps the journal to foster excellence in scholarship. 

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Academic Editors should:

4.1.  Execute their duties in an objective and fair way without discriminating on the basis of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious or political affiliation or sexual orientation of authors or reviewers.

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 Reviewers should:

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Peer Review Process

The manuscript is sent to the Editor or Assistant Editor for approval. If it is judged suitable for this journal, it is sent to two or more reviewers for blind peer-review. Based on their recommendations, the editorial committee decides whether the manuscript should be accepted as is, revised or rejected. 

Self-archiving Policy

Author's Pre-print:

 author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)

Author's Post-print:

 author can archive post-print (ie final accepted version post-refereeing)

Publisher's Version/PDF:

 author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF

General Conditions:

  • On Institutional Repositories, social media repositories (Research Gate) and subject repositories, 18 months embargo (from date of acceptance).
  • Must link to publisher version
  • Published source must be acknowledged with DOI